Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Give That Man A Raise Awards #GTMAR Nominee Voting

Howdy folks!

Last year I did a series of tweets online called the Give That Man A Raise Awards. No, there's no prizes for the winners, just recognizing folks publicly. Last year, it was just me and my thoughts and I felt like it would be more fun this year to get more people involved in the selection. Soooo here's what I've decided to do....

I'm selecting a panel of judges that will be announced once all the invites are accepted/denied. It will be an odd number of people to make it fair.

Each judge will need to nominate 5 people deserving of an award, whether it be a Redskin, Skins Reporter, Fan, whomever. There aren't any award categories, so make sure you say why you're nominating these people. You can inbox me with your nominations starting now, but I'll need them in by December 4. I'll post the list of nominees on the blog as well.

After all the nominees are in, the panel will need to cut the list down to the 12 winners and I'll announce them on Twitter and this blog.

A couple of last years winners were Chad Dukes - Best Rant and Anthony Armstrong - Outstanding Rookie Season (even though the NFL didn't recognize him as a rookie). There were plenty more winners, but I can't remember them because I never wrote them down. I'm trying to do better!!

I hope to announce these winners before Christmas if possible... So let me know what you think!


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